Tutorial : Create Stand-Alone Application

In HH6, you can transform any workspace in a stand-alone application (also called kiosk mode), to be used, for example, in teaching situations or in autonomous installations. See setup-panel-tab-kiosk. More specifically, if you do not want the user to change anything in your workspace, as it should be, for example, in interactive terminals.

In stand alone applications, only the racks and various commands/panels that you can choose, are visible.

In the following example, only the mains commands are visible and it's impossible to break down the workspace.

Example of stand-alone application

Test your workspace and basic setup

Open the setup-panel-tab-kiosk.


To preview the stand-alone application as it will be, click on toggle kiosk mode button.

toggle kiosk mode

example of stand-alone application

You have to set a password for the kiosk mode. By default the password is PROTECT. Type the password anywhere in an Usine's window to activate/deactivate the kiosk mode. You can keep the default value or define a new password. See hidden-strings.

kiosk password

Then, set options for the stand-alone application.

application options

Add Workspaces in the /Deploy folder

Now, create a new folder inside the application package /Deploy and add your workspaces into this folder. .

On OSX, the /Contents/Deploy folder is inside the application package.

If your workspace needs some additional medias (audio files, movies, pictures, user-modules,etc.), just add them somewhere inside the /Deploy folder ie. in /Medias/. .

If the /Deploy/ folder contains only one workspace which is loaded directly at the startup. When the /Deploy contains several workspaces, the start-page is displayed. start page in kiosk mode

Advanced setup

In particular cases, you can adjust precisely the setup for the stand-alone application.

Only for advanced users.

For that, create a new file called override-setup.ini inside the /Deploy folder and copy the following example. All the setup file items (line) will override the Usine's setup.


Each line must be edited carefully to ensure that your application will work properly.

:: Disable features
:: LIGHT Engine

:: VIDEO Engine

:: MIDI Engine

:: LASER Engine

:: AUDIO Engine

:: Audio PlugIns

:: OSC

:: Addons

:: General internet 

:: No mixer panel

:: No grid panel

:: Multi wkp (0) or single wkp (1)

:: No devices Panel

:: No default presets for patches, racks and wkp

:: Binding engine

:: Modular engine

:: Remote & Learns

:: Record audio (direct to disk)

:: Record automation

:: list of hidden setup tabs as comma text
:: ei. tab_user,tab_about,tab_video,tab_expert,tab_kiosk,tab_global,tab_touch,tab_network,
::     tab_audio,tab_midi,tab_laser,tab_light,tab_plugins,tab_modular,tab_folders
hidden setup tab=

:: enables the fullasio mode (Win only)
:: number of max audio channels activated in fullasio mode
:: index of the ASIO driver
:: set if the audio setup is saved 
force save audio settings=0
soft clipping=1
pre-listen gain=0

:: additional delay before usine really start

:: block size index 512(0),256(1),128(2),64(3),32(4),16(5)
:: default
block size=2

:: the computer will reboot automatically
:: if the block size changed
auto reboot on block size changed=1
auto reboot on sample rate size changed=1

:: Splash Image
splash image=my-image.png

:: Volume master in dB
master volume=0

:: deactivate all key learns
:: no=0,always=1,kiosk mode=2
disable all key learn=2

:: deactivate ALT+CLICK to rename objects
:: no=0,always=1,kiosk mode=2
disable alt click to rename=2

:: deactivate the fileLister Module 
:: in case of invalid paths on the target machine
fileListerDisabled = 0

kiosk password=MYPASSWORD
hide main on-off=1
hide master=1
hide global synchro=1
hide contextual menu=1
hide rec automation=1
hide midi learn=1
hide zoom=1
hide save workspace=1
hide open workspace=1
deploy workspace is read only=1
hide setup=1
hide fullscreen=1
hide color palette=1
hide devices button=1
hide start page button=1

fullscreen at startup=1
auto play at startup=1
auto play grid at startup=0
show grid at startup=0
show interface builder at startup=1

save setup on quit=0
clean usine on quit=0

application name=Fletcher Machine Core
application version=

disable internet connection=1
:: no=0,always=1,kiosk mode=2
disable show trace on error=2

network active=1
network speed=20
network opened ports=2002
network input buffer size=32768
share active=0
share port=2004
share broadcast mask=
send tempo and synchro info=0
send sections info=0
send playlist info=0
enable remote control=0
remote port=80
send global arrays=1

main language=0
color style=0
global zoom scale=1
hardware acceleration=0
buffered drawing=0
fast text canvas=0
low graphic quality=0
refresh speed=1
max number of threads=64
max number of sub thread=16

disk buffer size=2000
:: réglé sur 100% = pas de protection
CPU load max=100

floating window for patches=0
floating window for settings=0
floating window for grid=0
floating window for popups=0

video active=0
HD USB Camera=0
out format=0
video frame rate=100
mix strategy=0

wire opacity=0.8
wire gravity=0.4
wire width=4
display range knob on tlet=1

memorize device name in learn=0
MIDI feedback to all devices=0
send all notes OFF on stop sync=1
ignore active sensing messages=1
MSC device ID=0
MSC group=0
MSC format=0

num of plots=2
DMX active=0
ArtNet active=0
ArtNet port out=6454
ArtNet port in=6454
ArtNet automatic poll=0
DMX frame rate=40
clear on stop=1

enable touch screen=1
activate double click=0
trace gesture=0
use virtual keyboard=1
virtual keyboard zoom scale=1.2

settings width=220
adapt audio files pitch to sample rate=1
bezier curves in patches=1
disable remote hilite=1
disable mouse over effect=0
disable hints=0
disable tips=1
disable locate audio files=1
disable warning locked objects=0
disable draw selection square=0
disable upgrade message=1
disable hidden strings=0
disable mouse wheel zoom=0
max nb opened files=150

:: Ignored Racks numbers when the workspace is loaded 
:: comma-text of integers ie. 1,2,3
ignored racks number=153

Translation file

If you want to add a translation files on hints of your workspace, create a new file called additional-language.en.ini(English) or additional-language.fr.ini (French) inside the /Deploy folder.

In the hint fields of the controls, add a # prefix

The additional-language.en.ini can look like:

MYHINT=This is a translated hint
INCLUDEDHINT=include example
ANOTHERHINT=A hint can include another hint like #INCLUDEDHINT

See also

Usine Tutorial

version 6.0.241021

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