Lyon Fête des Lumières
2018, Lyon france
Light and sound interactive installation
In 2018 the cities on Guangzhou and Lyon celebrated the 30th birthday of their sistership. As a symbol, a Cantonese lighting installation has been displayed on an antique site in the Lyon Lighting Festival. Lighting designer Huang Mincong proposed the concept of "Yu Da Ba Jiao", a traditionnal Cantonese music recalling raindrop falling on banana leaves. With this music he brought graphic elements, symbolic shapes of clouds, leaves and mountains, along with light scultpure representing lotus plants as well as coton flowers, Guangzhou's emblem.
The Chinese production team of Ruifeng Culture gave to Yitai the administrative, artistic and technical direction: Zexuan Huang took care of the international collaboration and Clément Himbert and Olivier Sens directed the project, alors with the Chinese and French teams.